1. He likes food so much he just couldn't pick his favorite meal.
- He loves Thanksgiving. No, I mean he really loves Thanksgiving.
"My favorite dish really isn't just a dish, it's like Thanksgiving all together. I love Thanksgiving. I love everything that has to do with Thanksgiving. Family, the chicken, the chicken dressing, all the deserts. That's my favorite dish, *Thanksgiving all together."*
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- His family eats fried turkey on Thanksgiving.
- His favorite deserts are pecan pie, blueberry delight and red velvet cake.
"My grandmother makes me a pecan pie that I love. Every year she makes me a pie and sends it to me."
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- He isn't eating any of these things at the moment because it's football season, however, he is willing to make an exception for some red velvet cake.
"I can't really have red velvet this year, but I might have a cheat day and just have it."
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- When he was a kid, he bounced from house to house so everybody would feed him.
- Everyone in Alabama called him *Big 'Ole Baby *because of his eating habits.
- He loves barbeques because it brings his family together.
"My brother barbeques, my dad barbeques, my uncle too. Everybody can cook except me, but I love to go so I can eat. I just love to be around food."
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- He wants to start cooking now that he has graduated from the ICE cooking class in New York City.
"I'm going to learn how to cook now. It's time. I'm 30 years old, so it's time to learn how to cook."
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