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Favre Wednesday News Conference


Transcript of QB Brett Favre's news conference before Wednesday's midday practice:    

On reports he called the Lions to give them information about the Packers…

The only thing I'd say about that, and of course I've heard the reports, is that that week, Matt Millen called me. Matt and I are friends. He was inviting me to come to his place to hunt. I think he lives about an hour from here. I'm sure his intentions were to fish me for information and to just ask me how [Green Bay] attacked them last year. We attacked them pretty good. I didn't give him any game plan. I haven't been in that offense in over a year. I don't know what else to tell you. It was pretty simple.

On if the reports anger him…

I wouldn't say anger as much as "Here we go again." I wish those guys well in Green Bay. I have a lot of friends, not only as far as teammates are concerned but coaches and just people in general there. It's unfortunate the way some of the things went down this off-season. No hard feelings. It's business.

I'm happy to be here. I'm trying to get ready for the Chiefs. Learning this Jets game plan has been difficult. To be spending whatever amount of time giving away another game plan is totally not true. Once again, it's not anger as much as it's ridiculous from both sides. It's unfair for this team. It's unfair for those guys up there trying to play, too.

On if he shared information with Millen…

I talked to Millen for 15 or 20 minutes, from the time it takes me to get from here to my house, which in New Jersey could be 10 minutes and it could be a little bit longer [smiles]. It was not a long conversation. We did talk about hunting. He said he had a bulldozer or some tractors if I needed to go relieve some tension.

In the process, he wanted to know, more or less — I think the question he asked was, "Anything in particular you guys did to us last year or how you looked at us?" I couldn't tell you what Detroit runs this year. I haven't watched them and I can vaguely remember what they did last year. The only thing I know about that game last year, the one in Green Bay, was that it didn't really matter late in the year. The first one, I think I had 22 straight completions. That's about all I can remember. I know we won the game.

On if he told them the strategies Green Bay used against the Lions…

We went empty formation. We just kept throwing completion after completion. They study film. They know what type of plays. Once again, I don't want to make this any bigger than it is. I don't know what else to tell you. I haven't sat in their meetings to know what they're calling, how they're going to attack or how they're going to use Aaron Rodgers.

I can assure you, it wasn't anything. It would almost be embarrassing to say that if I gave more, it was the wrong information, because I think they beat Detroit rather soundly. I bet it was pretty much the same things we've run in the past.

On if he called the Lions.,.

If someone was in there, I couldn't tell you. Let me clarify this: I did not call the Lions, nor did I call Tony Romo. I don't know what else to tell everyone. I'm not calling people.

On teammates saying he sabotaged Green Bay…

Accuse me of sabotage? Did they win?

On if that was the extent of the conversation with Millen…

That's it. The story's not as good now, is it?

On if this story is being blown up because it's Brett Favre…

You tell me. I know a couple weeks ago when we played Arizona, we asked Calvin Pace if there was anything in particular we needed to know. Let's see if that story turns out to be bigger.

On if it is uncommon that he was being asked for help when he was not involved in the game…

Ask around. When Matt called me and we were talking about hunting, he told me that he lived an hour from here. Don't think for a second I wasn't thinking, "No, surely he wants to know something." I played for the Packers for 16 years. We played against the Lions a bunch. It's no secret what we did against them.

I don't have a playbook from Green Bay. I didn't send a playbook. I didn't call him and say, "Look, if you do this, you're going to win the game." I didn't do that. It's common. It happens every day. It happens more than you know. Don't think for a second that when Mike McCarthy left in 1999 and went to the Saints, we played them the next year and they put it to us, that he didn't tell his guys what he thought. There's nothing wrong with that.

On if it bothers him that players in Green Bay think he went out of his way to help the Lions…

I think the players in Green Bay, to be totally honest with you, know me. They know what type of guy I am and what type of teammate I was. No different than the guys here. They're hearing things, and I don't want to say are brainwashed, but whoever this player was that said "sabotage," he didn't make that up. That's coming from somewhere.

[Donald] Driver and [Greg] Jennings are great players. Charles Woodson and Al Harris, great players. Aaron Kampman, great player. I can go on down the list. I want nothing but great things for those guys. I've said this the last several years, that was the most talented team I've ever played on. Good luck beating them. Good luck.

I think those guys know that when I played with them that I'd do anything I could for them. They know how the game works. If someone asks Driver, "Hey, anything in particular about Brett?" and he said, "You know, he'll throw it from anywhere," is anything wrong with that? No. Do I think any less of him? No. It's just the way it is.

On if he would have second-thoughts answering the same phonecall…

No. Matt Millen is a friend of mine, as a lot of these guys are. Darrell Bevell, a friend of mine. Marty Mornhinweg, Andy Reid, Mike Holmgren and Matt Hasselbeck. I can go on down the line.

If someone called me and asked, like Tony Romo, about how I played with a broken thumb, anything in particular or any secrets I could give him, I said, "I just tried it and wore a splint on my thumb, it was worth a try." Next thing I know, I'm calling everyone in the league giving out secrets. I'm willing to help, but it's awfully ridiculous the way things get blown out of proportion.

On the perception he is trying to hurt a team that he played for…

I'm well aware of the perception and what's going on. Aren't you? Isn't everyone else? Believe me, I'm trying my best to help this team win, the New York Jets. I'm spending no time trying to make sure the Packers lose. I've got enough on my plate, believe me. I wish those guys well.

I'll say it again, it's unfortunate the way some things went down. I was at fault. I feel like they were at fault in some areas, but it's over and done with. It's business. It happens all the time. I guess because it's Brett Favre, it's a bigger deal. But Brett Favre has enough on his plate trying to figure out a way to beat the Chiefs this week. I'm well aware of what's going on and that's why this is a big deal, but it's a bigger deal for other people than it is for me.

On Charles Woodson saying it would be OK if Millen called Favre but not if Favre called Millen…

Go back and tell Charles I did not call them. I didn't call them.

On if he is angry his integrity is being questioned…

I guess I'm a little bit angry because I think my reputation has been well-respected throughout the years. Anytime that's questioned, the type of teammate I am, it does anger me. I'm not going to lie to you. You ask Driver, you ask Woodson, you ask Al, you ask Aaron Kampman, ask those guys what type of player I was and what type of teammate. I would hope they would say exactly what I think they'll say.

On the chance that other coaches were on the line listening…

If I was a guessing man, I'd probably say yes.

On if it sounded like he was on speakerphone…

I was on speakerphone in my truck. I don't know. I'm telling you, I didn't have a game plan in my lap driving home saying, "OK, last year third-and-3-to-6 we went — hold on — light [laughter]."

On if he thought there were other people on the line…

It didn't matter. We talked for 15, 20, 25 minutes, whatever it was, not, I think the report was 90 minutes or something? No. It was not that long. Half of it was football. Half of it was [Millen saying] "My son's a lawyer [in Florham Park], I'm not that far away. Do you want to come down, hunt, get away? Feel free to. Hey, anything in particular you guys did to us last year that stands out?"

Besides me having 22 straight completions? Not really. First time in my career. Were there other people listening? It wasn't like "OK, Brett, hold on, let me get everyone in here together." No, it wasn't that.

On if any part of the conversation could be perceived as helping the Lions…

I wouldn't think so. I haven't watched any of the reports. Only what I've heard and have been briefed on. I feel like the president now, I've been briefed on certain things [smiles]. I don't know if there are reports that I sent game plans or computer programs or anything like that.

On the reports saying that he helped the Lions prepare…

I can think of numerous times in the past where we fished for information from guys that were either on our team or coaches who coached there the previous years. I don't ever remember it being quite as big a deal as this one.

On if this will change his philosophy next time this situation presents itself…

Nothing was wrong. If Matt calls me and says, "Sorry about the big deal, the offer still stands," I'll take the call. I know he's not in football right now.

Nothing happened. Nothing happened that was any different than happens any other day. The fact that I was in Green Bay for so long and what happened this off-season, that makes it a big deal. I am who I am. I'm a part of the Jets. I'm trying to get ready for the Chiefs. I don't have time to be dealing with other issues, especially other game plans. I wish them well up there, I really do.

On how Jay Glazer got the information…

That's why you guys are reporters. You guys scoop it out. I know you're asking me, but you guys have to figure that one out.

On if he thinks the Jets offense has been too conservative…

No. I'm sure after we left the Arizona game, everyone thought we were on track. We rushed for [242] yards the other day, 7.3 yards per carry or something like that. I've told Schotty [Brian Schottenheimer] and I've told Eric [Mangini], I'll tell anyone who listens, I'm here for one reason and that's to win. I do not care how we do it. I even got somewhat of a block the other day. I was as excited about that play as I was any play I've had this year, and will continue to be excited if we win ball games.

Throwing for 400 yards is great. Kurt Warner did that against us but he lost. Numbers are deceiving, but I know it's interesting when you look at numbers and you can kind of get caught up in different things. We are trying to find a balance. No one is at fault here. We have capable guys, not only in the passing game but we obviously have capable guys in the run game. How we mix the two is a work in progress.

I like our game plans. I like the way Schotty calls the games. We have to be more consistent because I can assure you, if you watch the tape like we do, there were plays to be made individually, me included, numerous plays I could have made that I didn't make.

Those are some of the things that people don't see. The game happens so fast, you don't see that. You just kind of think they're running it, why don't they throw it? It's tough on a playcaller, it's tough on a head coach. We have to execute, individually, the game plan. There are always better plays out there, regardless. That's the way it always works. We'll be fine.

On if his shoulder is bothering him…

I don't think it's a big deal. I've taken a thousand shots over my career. I'm a little sore today. It's been two days and a long flight. I could play today. I could. I think I'll practice today, too [smiles].

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