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SANCHEZ: We All Know How Close We Are

Transcript of quarterback Mark Sanchez's conference call with Jets reporters Monday afternoon the day after the Jets' 28-7 loss at Seattle:

On if he saw the game film and what he thought of it…

Yeah, last night I got to look at it and then again today. But similar, almost exactly the same as what I thought last night. There's two plays that really stand out, the sack fumble and the interception. So for especially as well as our defense was playing yesterday early in the game a chance to take the lead, whether it was a field goal or a touchdown, I have to be better with the football and make a better decision.

It was just a careless mistake. That kind of stuff can't happen, I can't hurt the team like that. It's totally on me and the same thing with the sack. If it is a free rusher like that, schematically it should be picked up but regardless, it's my job to take care of the football and make the best decision for the team and in those two instances, I didn't. I fell short and that's a part of this game and it's my job to clean that up and get better.

On Stephen Hill being open in the end zone when he threw the interception…

I had already looked at him and I could've just ended up throwing the ball away but at the same time, it's just hindsight's 20-20. You wish you could've seen him, but it was really a missed opportunity.

On if he wishes Coach Ryan would have guaranteed him the starting quarterback job…

I don't really think about not playing. I just think about the guys I'm playing with and how lucky that I am to be here and how fortunate we all are to be playing this game. I really don't think in hypotheticals like that. I'm too positive for that. I know Rex has faith in me just like I have faith in Rex. At times, when you struggle, people ask a lot of questions and try and create more problems than there really are. We have the solutions, it's all in our locker room, it's all in our starting lineup, so I'm really not worried about that.

On Coach Carroll comments on how having Tim Tebow as a backup is difficult for him…

He's looking from an outside perspective and he's been around the game for a long time so obviously I respect his opinions. It's something that it's on my plate and it's my job to deal with it and I know I can handle it. It comes down to me just playing better and not really worrying about anything else.

On if having Tebow as the backup is hard to deal with…

I don't really think about it like that. I just think about the X's and O's and what exactly went wrong in the game, not what if something goes bad, am I still going to play. I just don't think like that so it's really a non-issue and I try and just block it out and I feel like I've done a good job of that.

On why he's speaking to the media on a Monday…

I felt like today, a lot of people had questions about the offense and I felt like it was a good idea to be available today. I talked about it with Bruce [Speight], Jared [Winley], Meghan [Gilmore] and Nick [Filis] [in media relations], so we all felt like it was the right move. It's not every Monday, but I also wanted to make sure I was available to speak for the offense and for my mistakes.

Then once we come in, because we have these two days off, really just lifting, I want to be able to come in Wednesday with this game behind us, having learned from it. It's my job to lead by example so I have to be past this game as well. You get your 24 hours to think about it, to move on and get it over with, win, lose or draw, so that's what I'm doing.

On the separation issues with the receivers…

I think we're all struggling a little bit right now, whether it's a bad decision at the goal line or a missed assignment blocking-wise or a poorly run route or whatever it is or a dropped pass or penalties. We've all made our share of mistakes and there's blame to go around. Obviously, the two turnovers are highlights and being the quarterback. That's part of the job is taking the blame for that kind of stuff.

It's a process of learning, playing with these guys and learning how they run routes and things like that so we're all trying to improve and that's all we can do right now is dig in, trust the guy next to you and play for each other and that's what we're doing. We know it can get better, I've seen those guys play really well and at a high level and I know we can do that and it needs to start next week.

On Coach Ryan's comments that the offense is close…

We're running the ball better than people think. We've gotten ourselves in situations where we have to throw the ball, down at the end of the game and there's not enough time to run the ball like that. That's the frustrating thing and that's hard for Coach [Tony] Sparano. I feel like we're close. I know our guys can catch the ball, I know we've had a couple of miscues there. I know we're better than we've been playing and I know I can make better decisions than that one on the goal line.

So all those things, once they hit and they go right, this thing turns so quick, it'll make your head spin. I just hope guys, and I know guys from talking to them on the plane last night, they know how close we are as well and we all believe that so that's the most important thing.

On if the Wildcat is having an impact on the inconsistency of the offense…

I don't know about that. At times it's looked good. I think they got us a couple first downs yesterday. I'll defer to Coach Sparano on that, that's really his call when it comes to scheming and the plan of attack.

On the outside criticism…

I know where the mistakes are. We have the luxury of knowing exactly what happened and being able to watch the film and talk about it with each other so I know where the mistakes are. I'm sure what people think and sometimes they're right and sometimes it couldn't be farther from the truth, but that's just the way it goes. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. It's really not for us to worry about. There's no point in wasting time with that. I'd rather spend my time studying for the next game and learning from this past game.

On if it makes his job more complicated knowing that Tebow comes with a large constituency…

He just has a big fan base. It's really nothing that I think about, it's more on the outside. The guys know that I've played better than I did yesterday and the game before. I know it's not a matter of if I have the ability and stuff like that, so I'm really not worried about that. I just need to make some better decisions and take care of the football and then everything will settle itself. As far as him being here, I view him the same as I view any of the other backup quarterbacks, that they help me during the week prepare and I'm always competing against myself anyway, so it doesn't matter.

On his play in the second half at New England vs. the last two games…

A couple of red zone turnovers that really hurt. Not just the points that you lose but the momentum swing. Especially yesterday, when our defense played so well early in the game we had a chance to go up and take the lead and we failed to do that. In the Miami game, you name it and we did not do it right. You can't just go out and have a game like that and expect to win. We did not execute in any phase really in that Miami game and the score showed.

On why he is the best option for the Jets at starting QB with only three wins in his last 12 games…

I know I've played better than I have yesterday and in those last few games. I know there is a lot of improvement to make for all of us, but I know we can do it. I think this team's got faith in me that I can make the throws, make the reads, and make the right decisions with the ball. I'm just not a self-doubter. I'm more confident, really, than anybody. That's the way you have to play this position. When you go through tough times like this you can't bail, you can't second-guess yourself. You have to stick to the plan, try to improve and know that you're the best guy.

On if having fewer opportunities increases the pressure on him to succeed…

I don't know if that is really why I made a couple of bad decisions. I am just trying to score points and compete as much as I can. Sometime you try and do too much and that is where you get in trouble. That came back to bite me a little bit, trying to force some footballs down in the red zone. We will clean that up, but I do not know if it had anything to do with that.

On if he feels like he is repeating some of the same mistakes…

Yesterday, turning that ball over in the red zone was a rookie move by a veteran player who knows better. That is the most frustrating thing. That was an impulsive, careless decision that can't happen. It happens all over the league to first-year players, to 10-year veterans. It happens, but it can't at this point in time. It just can't.

On if he wants to do interviews every Monday…

Hopefully there will be some more wins and we will just play it by ear.

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