For me, walking into an audition can be one of the most nerve-wracking events. I wanted to be fully prepared for my Flight Crew audition last year, which is why I decided to take full advantage of the prep classes offered by Jets Flight Crew Director Denise Garvey.
Denise shared her knowledge of dance and the expectations for a Flight Crew Cheerleader, and she even offered hair and makeup tips. Attending the prep classes gave me the opportunity to meet some of my fellow Flight Crew members but most importantly allowed us to form the bonds necessary to create lasting friendships.
In addition to my own preparations, I attended as many of the prep classes as I could. Along with various Flight Crew Cheerleaders, Denise personally instructed each class. A typical class itinerary included conditioning, stretching, and learning a Jets Flight Crew routine. Learning the routines while being instructed by women from the team helped instill an understanding of what Flight Crew style was all about.
Denise offered individual and group feedback, which helped me to improve as a performer and ultimately a Flight Crew Cheerleader. Learning the actual routines that the Flight Crew performed gave me the confidence and determination to push myself even harder to achieve my goal to become a member of this incredibly dedicated team.

Being a member of the Jets Flight Crew is not simply being able to perform amazing routines. During the prep classes, I was able to learn the skills necessary to transform myself by creating beautiful hair styles and applying makeup in a way I never knew I could.
The tools I now have I will carry with me always. I loved the fact that Denise and the Flight Crew helped us all out with this aspect of the class because along with the dance style, being "Flight Crew ready" was also a very important part of auditions.
Learning the routines and all of the amazing advice and establishing meaningful friendships during the prep classes helped me walk into my audition with the confidence I needed to leave my nerves at the door and take flight. To know that all of us auditioning shared the same passion and same goal for dance and cheer, it was like we were part of the same team already! The experience is one I will cherish always.
Best of luck and I hope to see you at auditions!
—Ashley S.